Sunday, December 4, 2011


Pengganti Scott

She's in her new cage



Rest in peace Scott :'(

Scott time dia sihat



See that title ? Who is Scott ? My boyfriend ? Naaa his not my boyfriend. He's my pet. Its a bunny. A cute bunny. My brother and I bought him at pet shop last September I guess. But now he's died. Dia mati sebab sakit kot. Kitorang semua sedih sangat sebab kitorang dah bela dia sejak dia baby lagi.

Kitorang jaga dia manjaaaaaaaaaaa sangat. Dia mati semalam. I dont know why he's died. Sebab before ni dia ceria, cergas and happy je. Tapi semalam lahh dia start tanak makan and minum. Just duduk and baring je. Even suapkan air pun dia taknak jugak.

Then malam tu tiba tiba dia terbaring and mulut tercungap cungap. After few minutes macam tu then he's gone. Sempat gak duduk dekat dia time dia ngah nazak tu. My tears totally burst out that time. He's a cute little bunny. We used to play together kan kan :')

Now dia dah takde. Tinggal seekor je arnab kat rumah. And my dad bersihkan sangkar besar sikit and letak dia kat luar. Hope dia akan membesar dengan sihat and cergas. Dont worry black bunny. We'll take care of you :) To Scott rest in peace.

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